Saturday, May 09, 2009

Open Question

Would you take your dream job if it was in the last place on Earth you wanted to live?

Would you take your dream job if it was the last place on Earth your significant other wanted to live?

(The above questions are slightly exaggerated: it's more like "a really good job" and a "fairly disliked place to live")


Anonymous said...

Daniel said probably not. For me, it would depend on how dislike we're talking about. I've moved around lots growing up, and I've always adapted.

Charity Z said...

Don't let A/C talk you into moving to the frigid north! Hold onto your dreams man! We vote you move to Dallas with us! ...warm...sunny...beautiful...Aaahhhh

Anna Marie said...

Of course you would take your dream job! You suck it up for a couple of years until you make it rich, then you can move wherever the heck you want and do whatever you want! Not to mention, it's not like you are stuck in one place the whole time. Just take a nice vacation....(-:

And remember the three B's of Texas; Big, brown, barren.

prin said...

Sorry, I'm a bit late answering. I'd say no. It's not a dream job if it's not in the right place...

Then again, it depends what the reasons are. If it's climate, you'll get used to it..eventually. If it's something like racism or prejudice, you can maybe try to change the world... Maybe?

Gamila said...

Texas is actually a lot less barren than Utah, I was surprised myself. The countryside is green here.

In this economy...take the dream job!!!

Kindal and I are in Houston now. I got a Latin Teaching Job! Cheer!